Italian landscape Italian village and cities Landscape Painting Urban landscape

Looking around

There is no subject beautiful or ugly itself. All is in the mood and in the way you are able to look at it in the moment. And later in the way you can transfer that feeling to the viewer. This is what I think can be said looking at this my own painting. It […]

Italian landscape Painting Seascape Urban landscape

Half sheet of Baghdad

On the route of being serious watercolorist the size of painting matters and here in vacation I am pushing myself to express on larger surfaces, which I discovered to be very amysing. Here is a large picture on half imperial sheet of a sea place where my sister is, and she says it resembles… Baghdad. […]

Italian landscape Painting Urban landscape

Urban landscape in island countryside

This is first painting I like coming from this sketch. I reduced the colors to give the idea of the strenght of light which you can only bear stretching your eyes. Nature is in part luxurious in part dry and dead. No middle value. Just white or black. A cement cube and a small car […]